Closed Golf Stance: Discover Surprising Benefits

What is a closed golf stance? A closed golf stance refers to the positioning of a golfer’s feet and body in relation to the target line. In a closed stance, the golfer’s front foot is …

Closed Golf Stance

What is a closed golf stance?

What is a closed golf stance?
A closed golf stance refers to the positioning of a golfer’s feet and body in relation to the target line. In a closed stance, the golfer’s front foot is positioned closer to the target line than the back foot, resulting in a more closed or turned-in appearance.

This stance is commonly used by golfers to help control their shots and improve accuracy.

Advantages of using a closed golf stance

Increased accuracy

One of the main advantages of using a closed golf stance is increased accuracy. By positioning the feet and body in a closed position, the golfer is able to align themselves more directly with the target line. This alignment helps to promote a more consistent swing path, leading to more accurate shots.

Improved control

Another advantage of the closed golf stance is improved control over the golf ball. The closed stance encourages a more rotational swing, allowing the golfer to better control the clubface through impact. This increased control can help golfers shape their shots and avoid unwanted slices or hooks.

Enhanced power

While the closed golf stance is primarily known for its accuracy and control benefits, it can also help generate more power in certain situations.

By positioning the front foot closer to the target line, the golfer is able to rotate their hips more aggressively through the swing, generating additional power and clubhead speed.

Disadvantages of using a closed golf stance

Disadvantages of using a closed golf stance

Reduced distance

One potential disadvantage of using a closed golf stance is reduced distance. The closed stance restricts the golfer’s ability to fully rotate their hips and generate maximum power. This can result in slightly shorter shots compared to a more open stance.

Difficulty with certain shots

Another disadvantage of the closed golf stance is that it can make certain shots more challenging. For example, hitting a fade or a high, soft shot may be more difficult from a closed stance. Golfers may need to adjust their stance or make swing modifications to execute these shots effectively.

How to set up a closed golf stance

Positioning of the feet

To set up a closed golf stance, start by positioning your front foot closer to the target line than your back foot. The exact amount of closure will vary depending on personal preference and the desired shot shape. Experiment with different foot positions to find what works best for you.

Alignment of the body

Once the feet are positioned, align the rest of your body parallel to the target line. This means your shoulders, hips, and knees should be parallel to the target line, while your feet remain closed. This alignment helps ensure that your swing path remains on the desired line.

Grip and hand placement

Lastly, ensure that your grip and hand placement are consistent with your closed stance. Maintain a neutral grip and position your hands slightly ahead of the ball at address. This setup will help promote a square clubface through impact.

Common mistakes to avoid with a closed golf stance

Common mistakes to avoid with a closed golf stance

Over-rotation of the hips

One common mistake golfers make with a closed golf stance is over-rotating their hips during the swing. While some hip rotation is necessary for power and accuracy, excessive rotation can lead to inconsistent shots. Focus on maintaining a balanced and controlled hip rotation throughout the swing.

Incorrect weight distribution

Another mistake to avoid is incorrect weight distribution. It’s important to distribute your weight evenly between both feet at address and maintain this balance throughout the swing. Avoid shifting too much weight onto the front foot, as this can lead to a loss of power and control.

Failure to adjust for different clubs

Lastly, golfers often forget to adjust their closed stance for different clubs. The amount of closure needed may vary depending on the club being used. For longer clubs, such as the driver, a slightly more open stance may be necessary to maximize power and distance.

When to use a closed golf stance

When to use a closed golf stance

On shorter shots

A closed golf stance is particularly effective on shorter shots, such as approach shots or shots around the green. The closed stance helps promote accuracy and control, allowing golfers to better target the pin and avoid hazards.

When dealing with a slice

Golfers who struggle with a slice can benefit from using a closed golf stance. The closed stance helps to square the clubface at impact, reducing the likelihood of the ball curving to the right for right-handed golfers. By using a closed stance, golfers can help correct their slice and hit straighter shots.


Closed Golf Stance

In conclusion, a closed golf stance can be a valuable technique for golfers looking to improve their accuracy, control, and power. By understanding how to set up a closed stance correctly and avoiding common mistakes, golfers can effectively utilize this stance to enhance their game.

Experiment with a closed stance during practice sessions and determine if it suits your swing and shot-making abilities. Remember, finding the right stance for your game is a personal journey, so don’t be afraid to make adjustments and find what works best for you.


  • What is a closed stance in golf?

    A closed stance is one where the toe line is not parallel to the target line but is rather crossing it in front of the ball.

  • Does a closed stance help with slice?

    Surprised? You’ve probably been told to close your stance to promote an in-to-out swing and, therefore, help fix your slice. Not so fast. For many amateurs a closed stance has the opposite effect: It makes them cut across the ball even more.

  • Does a closed stance promote a draw?

    This closed stance promotes a swing that moves right of the target line through the hitting area, and the deeper ball position keeps the clubface pointing slightly right of the target at impact. The ball starts right and draws because the face isn’t pointing as far to the right as the swing path—that’s the key.

  • What is a closed stance?

    A closed stance is a stance (as in golf) in which the forward foot is closer to the line of play than the back foot.

Originally posted 2023-10-31 08:25:59.

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